
"I am the vine; you are the branches." (John 15:5)

What Does it Take to Lead?

I did a little research on what the qualities of a good leader are. I looked at a whole bunch of lists and while none of the qualities surprised me, I was quite pleased with some of the omissions. SO may time I talk with people and they say things not I’m not smart enough or good enough or ________ enough to be a leader. Most of the objections I hear don’t even make the list. We don’t have to be super good, super smart or even just good and smart. It seems that we just need to be willing to lead. Here are some of the top qualities I came across. What do you think? Give me a few of your own!                

Committed                                         Creative

Passionate                                          Honest

Respectful                                          Growing

Reliable                                          Good listener


October 21, 2013 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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